


It is the wish of the University to provide an education and services of high quality to its students and to provide equity and harmony in the application of 政策 and procedures. 当学生投诉不涉及性暴力或性侵犯时, the University would encour年龄 resolution be sought through informal communication with the appropriate instructor, 学院院长, 工作人员, or administrative officer who may be able to help rectify or clarify the situation before a written complaint is initiated.


This Complaint Policy does not supersede specific 政策 involving special cases such as grade appeals, 非法歧视, 性暴力或性侵犯, 性骚扰, 上诉及正当程序, 等.

提出正式的学生投诉: A student who wishes to lodge a formal complaint with the University must complete and submit the 正式投诉表格 给适当的内阁级别的官员. A form is available in the Office of 学生的经验 and Office of Academic Affairs, 和网上一样.

行政投诉确认: Formal student complaints will be forwarded to the administrator most immediately responsible for the area to which the complaint pertains. The administrator will send a written acknowledgment to the student within five working days of receiving the complaint indicating that: (1) the 正式投诉表格 has been received, (二)投诉的性质, and (3) the student will receive a written response after deliberation within fifteen working days. Copies of the written student complaint and the acknowledgement letter will be sent to the cabinet level officer over the area.

行政审议与回应: If the administrator to whom the complaint is forwarded determines that the nature of the complaint is beyond his/her area of supervision or expertise, the next level administrator in the area should be consulted and may be requested to respond to the student. Administrative disposition of the complaint will generally consist of investigation into the source of the complaint, 以前解决这个问题的努力, and any contingencies that will aid in the deliberation and disposition of the problem. The responding administrator will send to the student a written 状态ment of attempted resolution to the problem. A copy of the deliberation response will be sent 给适当的内阁级别的官员. All formal student complaints will be forwarded upon resolution to the President’s office by each cabinet officer where a log will be kept.

学生上诉程序在收到对书面申诉的审议答复后, the student has the right of appeal to a senior administrator who oversees the area about which the complaint was lodged. This appeal must be made in writing within five working days of receiving the Administrative response. 在每种情况下, the student will receive an acknowledgement of the appeal within five working days and a deliberation response within fifteen working days from the date of the acknowledgment letter.


  • 负责学术事务的副校长-学术, 认证, 信息技术, 制度研究, 图书馆, 注册商, 以及留存问题
  • Vice President for Finance and 政府/Chief Financial Officer – auxiliary services (bookstore, 食堂), 设施, 金融援助, 人力资源, 学生账户问题
  • 发展副总裁-校友,发展和筹款问题
  • 学生体验副主席-体育, 公共安全, 居住生活, 精神生活, 学生活动, 学生组织, 学生服务问题
  • Associate Vice President for Enrollment Man年龄ment – admission and extension campus issues
  • 助理副总裁负责市场和传播-媒体, 出版物, 以及公共关系问题

In the event that the original Administrative response was sent by one of the cabinet level officers listed above, 学生的申诉应直接提交给学生体验申诉委员会. 上述上诉时间表适用. 经过调查和审议, 委员会将寄给学生一份书面的决定声明. 委员会的决定将是最终决定.



在穷尽霍华德·佩恩的投诉程序之后, 当前的, 前, and prospective students may initiate a complaint with THECB by sending the required forms either by electronic mail to StudentComplaints@thecb.状态.tx.us, or by mail to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Office of General Counsel, P.O. 德克萨斯州奥斯汀市78711-2788号12788号信箱. 表格不接受传真传送. 有关投诉程序的更多资料,请 点击这里 或低于.

南方学院协会学院委员会 (SACSCOC) Complaint Process

For information regarding the process of filing a complaint with HPU’s accrediting organization, SACSCOC, 点击这里 或低于.

注意,投诉策略只针对重要的, 记录, 涉嫌不遵守SACSCOC认证标准, 政策, 或过程. Complainants are expected to have attempted to resolve the issue through the institution’s complaint processes before filing a complaint with SACSCOC. The SACSCOC complaint process is not intended to be used to involve the Commission in disputes between individuals and member institutions or to cause the Commission to interpose itself as a reviewing authority in individual matters; nor does the policy allow the Commission to seek redress on an individual’s behalf. The primary purpose of the SACSCOC complaint procedure is to acquire valuable information regarding an accredited institution’s possible non-compliance with 认证 standards, 政策, 和程序,而不是解决个人纠纷.

投诉必须与特定的标准号码联系在一起 认可原则:提升质素的基础. 提出投诉, complete the Commission’s Complaint Form and send two print copies to the President, 南方学院协会学院委员会, 南巷1866号, 迪凯特, GA 30033-4097.